Wednesday, November 14, 2007

fall pics

These are from the pumpkin patch about three weeks ago. I figured everyone was tired of looking at that ugly ugg boot, I was. Note how happy Stella was in the group pic, NOT! I think the pile of pumpkins freaked her out or something! Stellie went to her 15 month well child yesterday, and was in the 40% (21lbs) for weight and 75%(31 1/2 in) for height, very unusual considering we're all shorties around here! The four shots she got yesterday are really taking their toll, she has been so super fussy all morning. Wanting to be held, so not like her. Lily has been loving school and has come so far, just since the beginning of the year, she finally calls letters "letters" and not numbers, hahaha! Anna has had a great year up until last week, she was having some issues following directions and was being easily distracted, we're chalking it up to that damn time change because she's back on path this week and because it's just another thing I can blame on the time change! That's about all from this house at the moment. Looking forward to turkey day and all the yummy food! And maybe, just maybe the fall weather will come with it!


Sherry said...

Once again-such cute girls! Brek has the same outfit that Stella is wearing. I loved the burnt orange.

The Mossmans said...

Ok, that picture of Lily with the alpaca (or whatever it is) is totally hilarious. It's invading her personal space and Lily's look is priceless. They're all such cute them!

ashli said...

It's a llama! And she is actually loving it, even though she looks totally unsure.

Anonymous said...

Wow - I've never seen Stella look that mad- I'm sure you have a time or two, Great pics! -Camille

ginny said...

HaHaHaHa the last picture of Stella is cracking my shit up!!!