Friday, February 02, 2007

It gets even better!

Not! So Anna was feeling bad yesterday afternoon, and a little after she was in bed last night started her bout with the vomit. Around 11 last night Lily decided to join in the club. So both girls puked their little heads off ALL NIGHT LONG! After sheet swapping, pajama changing and I think it was a grand total of 6 showers throughout the night, they were feeling a little better this morning, still running fevers, but no more throwing up. Thanks Ginny and Leslie for bringing us Gatorade and sprite, what a lifesaver! Anyhow, Chris just called at lunch and he is now the latest victim. I feel pretty bad for him considering he got like no sleep and left this morning at 7 and has to drive about hour and a half to get back home. I can't be feeling to bad for him though, you know what wimps guys are when they are sick, it's almost as bad as having another kid. So this leaves us with one. Stella. If she gets this, well, I don't even know. We're keeping our fingers crossed.


Sherry said...

thoughts and prayers of immunity coming your way! Feel better fast, that is the worst.

ginny said...

You are sooo acting like me right now, every last thought is the obsession of Stella getting the bug...God, I hope someone loves you right now!

brooke said...

Poor baby girls!! and I guess Chris too, but hopefully you don't have to clean his puke up and change his pajamas. :)

The Mossmans said...

You've had such a crap week. So sorry! I've got my fingers crossed for Stella.

Unknown said...

Oooh, I'm so sad for you!

May many gallons of Pinesol rain down on your house and wash this crap away!!!