Monday, July 23, 2007

Goodbye Harry

I sit here almost exactly 48 hours after purchasing the book and with great sadness must tell you that I am now finished. I wanted to hang onto every word, savor it a little longer, but I couldn't do it. I had a little plan to maybe just read only a little of it each day, but it doesn't work that way with these books. You. Cannot. Put. Them. Down. Seriously. I really loved it all in a whole, but def thought there were some lulls. The ending was great and people would have probably hated her for doing something too terrible. Anyhow, I feel a little lost now without the obsession of needing to finish the book. My all time fav part was when he walking into the forest towards the end with his mom, dad, godfather and lupin, Loved it. There are more too, but I don't want to spoil it for those of you still in the process. What were your's? So tomorrow I will get back to my job of being mother to three girls, since I have been absent quite alot these past few days and a little grumpy from reading into the night! Au voir Harry! It was a fabulous journey!


The Mossmans said...

Can't wait to read it. I have read so many great reviews. Just trying to finish 6...

Summer said...

I am still on 2!!! I will know the end before I read it! Oh well!

lifeinsuburbia said...

hmmm. heard that she is already working on #8. what do ya think of that?

Kristen said...

I finished it a couple of nights ago. Sad that the journey is over, but not quite totally thrilled with the end.

My favorite part was reading Snape's memories. Made me feel much better. ;-)

And as far as book understanding is that it's a HP encyclopedia that will go into more detail about the characters in the books. Read that in an interview with JK Rowling on some news website (can't remember which one, now.)

Anonymous said...

the ending was a slightly to sappy and perfect