Sunday, July 01, 2007

Girls Day

When it's been raining for 18 days straight, what's a girl to do? We decided to go and get pedicures and manicures yesterday and the girls thought they were super cool and grown up. This weather has been CRAZY! We have had like over 10 inches of rain this month alone. My poor children would love to see some pool time, we're hoping that will come soon, but we'll see. We did make it to the pool last weekend for about an hour, before a HUGE storm blew through and cut it short. Last week the girls were enrolled in theatre camp, and I couldn't have chosen a better week, because it rained all day, everyday. We have swim lessons coming up, hopefully it will stop so they can participate in those. Pictures of camp and the lone swim day we took are coming soon. Wish some dry weather our way, I think we might have forgotten what the sun even looked like here in OK. Poor deprived children, no park time, swimming, running through the sprinklers, etc, summer is almost over and half of it has been spent cooped up inside!


ginny said...

You should have made it a real girl day and taken Stella. That would have been cute!

Sherry said...

too cute. I'm sure they loved it.

The Mossmans said...

What fun! Looks like they had a blast!