Sunday, December 09, 2007

2nd annual outtakes

Like Ginny, I am posting my out takes as well. Because they are funny and so I can prove to the non believers on what a little witch Stellie really is. Now, let's start with saying that Anna and Lily know how serious I am about having the perfect card and they are 4 and 6. Stella damn well better figure it out by next year or she'll be voted out. I felt really bad after the whole process was over because the older girls tried so hard to cooperate and even tried to make the demon child do so too, all while showing their best smiles in the process of the me battling Stella to stay still, crap at that point I didn't even care if she even smiled! And of course I got irritated and maybe even yelled a little. I mean some people only see us through our Christmas card, so it damn well better be good! ..... on with the show.... enjoy! Needless to say, we never did get that perfect pic and I really am okay with that, because the one I got is funny and well, let's face it we're not perfect.


Sherry said...

Anna and Lily are so funny! I love their smiles throughout all of the they are trying not to notice what is going on, but can't help it. Love their "crazy stripes" outfits as well...stupid GapKids closed here...still ticked about that one and it was over a year ago:). You'll have to post the official picture later.

The Mossmans said...

Outtakes are the funny!

ginny said...

Stella is a little witch!!! I love all the "distracters" you all tried to give her, a la the pink phone, the animal book etc. Can tell they really worked! Not!!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.